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Mental Health Possible in Pandemic: Kabinet bg Experience Webinar

In the midst of the second wave of the pandemic, the team of professional psychotherapists of the Bulgarian Society of Psychoanalysis and Group Analysis and the virtual practice for free emergency psychotherapy and emotional support invite you to talk about the effects of the crisis Covid-19 on people's mental health and their expected long-term effect.
We will present our experience from our practice on the platform in recent months. We will discuss how the pandemic brings risks to people's individual wellbeing in a situation that is all-encompassing and total, and can be compared to a mass traumatic event. Every day we worry about our loved ones, we suffer sudden losses and anxiety and we wonder how to adapt and survive mentally in this complex and unpredictable situation. In this conversation, we will ask ourselves questions and together we will look for the answers.

The discussion involves the team of and our partners, who supported our idea and made it possible in solidarity between the NGO sector, media and business, who join efforts to fight the effects of Covid-19.

Event programme (EET):

09:15-09:30 Registration and getting together
09:30-09:40 Opening: Irina Nedeva, journalist in the Bulgarian National Radio and Chair of the Association of European Journalists – Bulgaria (AEJ-Bulgaria)
09:40-09:55 Gian Matteo Apuzzo, Central European Initiative Executive Secretariat
09:55-10:10 Tzvetelina Iossifova, psychotherapist, Chair of the Bulgarian Society of Psychoanalysis and Group Analysis and leader of
10:10-10:25 Elitza Barakova, Executive Director of BCause Foundation
10:25-10:40 Iliana Zaharieva, Director Corporate Communications at A1 Telecom Bulgaria
10:40-10:55 David Ieroham, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, lecturer at the MA Programme in Artistic Psychosocial Practices and Psychodrama at the New Bulgarian University
11:55-11:10 Velislava Popova, Chief-in-editor at
11:10-12:00 Discussion

Kabinet bg is a project of the Bulgarian Society of Psychoanalysis and Group Analysis selected and supported by the Central European Initiative Covid-19 Extraordinary Call for Proposals.